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A Message From Nicki

Wondering why we're making such a big change? (After all, it's not every day a business chooses to shut down a successful brand!) Here's a video explaining how we came to this decision.

Power Up Your Messaging, Energize Your Audience, and Electrify Your Sales All Automatically

Power Up Your Messaging, Energize Your Audience, and Electrify Your Sales— All Automatically



The Circuit Sales System


The Circuit Sales System

All the excitement of live launching without the high stress and risk to your revenue.

All the consistency of evergreen without the low conversions, low urgency,
and low energy.

All the sales you can handle—and all you have to do is set it up and flip it on.

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Your Image

What would it mean for you to make sales every single day without lifting a finger? To know that your audience is being nurtured and building a genuine relationship with your brand at the same time? To know that you’re building an audience of raving fans who *thank* you for selling to them—all while you’re doing something else entirely? What would that mean for your business—and your life?

Implement the Sales System That

40x-ed My Business

In 2018, I made about $40,000 in my copywriting training course business—the most I’d ever made. And I’d been at it since 2012. At the tail end of that year, I created and implemented what I now call the Circuit Sales System.

In 2019, I made $268,000.

And then, in 2020, I made more than $1.6M. I 40x-ed my business in a little over two years with ONE system that I put in place. (And, by the way, I did that with a $497-$597 product.)

What would 40 times your current revenue mean for you?

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What IS the Circuit Sales System?

The Circuit Sales System is a complete sales and messaging system that creates genuine connections with your brand and drives sales every single day on autopilot. Build it well, build it once, and then just flip it on. It’s powered by proven psychological principles to give your audience the right offer, at the right time, in the right way.

The Circuit Sales System is a complete sales and messaging system that creates genuine connections with your brand and drives sales every single day on autopilot. Build it well, build it once, and then just flip it on. It’s powered by proven psychological principles to give your audience the right offer, at the right time, in the right way.

Messaging and strategies that work

Messaging and strategies that work

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The CSS is powered by proven psychological principles to always give your audience the right offer, at the right time, in the right way. And because not every one of your prospects is going to buy immediately , it has built-in, automated additional sales sequences that mimic the excitement of a live launch without you having to launch live ever again.

A system for scaling with no limits

A system for scaling with no limits

Your Image

The CSS is powered by proven psychological principles to always give your audience the right offer, at the right time, in the right way. And because not every one of your prospects is going to buy immediately , it has built-in, automated additional sales sequences that mimic the excitement of a live launch without you having to launch live ever again.

Once your audience enters your Circuit, everything happens on autopilot. This system is how you TRULY make sales while you sleep and, with a proven system in place, you can continue to scale up until you reach the revenue level you want. Six figures? Absolutely. Seven figures? I’ve done it and you can, too. Eight figures? Why not?

Once your audience enters your Circuit, everything happens on autopilot. This system is how you TRULY make sales while you sleep and, with a proven system in place, you can continue to scale up until you reach the revenue level you want. Six figures? Absolutely. Seven figures? I’ve done it and you can, too. Eight figures? Why not?

You just set it up once and flip it on.

You just

set it up once and flip it on.

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Your Image

What It Isn't

Typical Evergreen

Evergreen doesn’t work: When you let people buy any time they want to…they never do.

Live Launching

It’s dangerous and unnecessarily stressful to gamble your entire company’s revenue on one or two live launches a year.

Automated Webinars

Teaching, teaching, endless teaching doesn't make people want to buy. And forcing people to watch webinars on YOUR schedule penalizes them for having normal, busy lives—plus, it drastically reduces your viewers!


Sick of chasing the latest marketing fad “everybody’s” doing, only to watch it fail for you? This isn't that.

Your Image

My Name Is Nicki, and I'm a Lazy (and Crazy Successful) Entrepreneur

My Name Is Nicki, and I'm a Lazy (and Crazy Successful) Entrepreneur

I’ll admit it: I’m a lazy entrepreneur. When other digital business owners would talk about their free Facebook groups or their challenges or working 80 hours a week for their launches, I’d quietly exit the conversation.

Frankly, I didn’t WANT any of that. I didn’t WANT to have to put all kinds of time and energy into people who hadn’t paid me anything. I didn’t WANT to have to constantly be coming up with new content and programs for them. I didn’t WANT to gamble my finances on one or two chaotic, stressful weeks a year.

I wanted it to be EASIER. I wanted to be able to serve up my best messaging and content to my target audience once. I wanted to capitalize on when people were most excited about what I had to offer. I wanted to support people in their interest in purchasing, not penalize them or force them to conform to my schedule. I wanted people to be excited about their purchase and feel GOOD about making it. (And yes, we regularly get people THANKING us for selling to them.)

Your Image

My Name Is Nicki, and I'm a Lazy (and Crazy Successful) Entrepreneur

My Name Is Nicki, and I'm a Lazy (and Crazy Successful) Entrepreneur

I’ll admit it: I’m a lazy entrepreneur. When other digital business owners would talk about their free Facebook groups or their challenges or working 80 hours a week for their launches, I’d quietly exit the conversation.

Frankly, I didn’t WANT any of that. I didn’t WANT to have to put all kinds of time and energy into people who hadn’t paid me anything. I didn’t WANT to have to constantly be coming up with new content and programs for them. I didn’t WANT to gamble my finances on one or two chaotic, stressful weeks a year.

I wanted it to be EASIER. I wanted to be able to serve up my best messaging and content to my target audience once. I wanted to capitalize on when people were most excited about what I had to offer. I wanted to support people in their interest in purchasing, not penalize them or force them to conform to my schedule. I wanted people to be excited about their purchase and feel GOOD about making it. (And yes, we regularly get people THANKING us for selling to them.)

Your Image

I wanted to build a great system—an amazing system—and then…just let it do its thing. I wanted to get everyone in and then let the system sell them—all while the process felt like a live, exciting, inspiring launch event.

See, I say I’m a lazy entrepreneur but that’s not REALLY completely true. I just wanted to put my energy into building a sales system that worked and then just let it run so that I could give my very best to the people who invest in my programs.

My name is Nicki Krawczyk. I’m President of Nicki K Media, Inc., and I’m the creator of the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy and the Freelance Success Framework—courses that teach people to build successful copywriting and freelance businesses.

I didn’t make my money and build my company by selling a course about how to sell courses. I sold a course that taught people to become professional copywriters and then I developed this system to sell it. The Circuit Sales System is that system—and now I’m going to teach you to make it work for you, too.

Here's Why You've Been Stuck


  • why your challenges aren’t converting even though everyone says you HAVE to do challenges…
  • why your free Facebook groups are sucking up your time instead of creating customers…
  • why your SLOs (mini offers) are costing you money and throttling your lead sources…
  • why “evergreen” is what everyone’s talking about even though your evergreen offers aren’t selling
  • how you could possibly scale a business based on *hoping* that a few big launches a year will happen
  • why you can get people to register for webinars but the attendance—and conversion!—rates are dismally low
  • why people are getting on your email list and then not purchasing when you finally give them the chance

You’ve stumbled across the mistakes that the vast majority of course creators (and would-be course sellers) are making:

The messaging, systems, and strategies they’re using are pushing people AWAY from purchasing.

They’re trying to force purchases on their schedule, not their audience’s. Does Apple say, “You can find out about this iPhone only between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. next Thursday” or “You can only purchase this iPad for a week next April?" Definitely not—they sell when people WANT to purchase.

Do colleges start teaching before students enroll? Of course not—they get that tuition first!

Course creators are using messaging that doesn’t connect with their target audience because they’re making copy decisions based on erroneous assumptions and misinformed tactics.

You’ve stumbled across the mistakes that the vast majority of course creators (and would-be course sellers) are making:

The messaging, systems, and strategies they’re using are pushing people AWAY from purchasing.

They’re trying to force purchases on their schedule, not their audience’s. Does Apple say, “You can find out about this iPhone only between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. next Thursday” or “You can only purchase this iPad for a week next April?" Definitely not—they sell when people WANT to purchase.

Do colleges start teaching before students enroll? Of course not—they get that tuition first!

Course creators are using messaging that doesn’t connect with their target audience because they’re making copy decisions based on erroneous assumptions and misinformed tactics.

Here's Why You've Been Stuck


  • why your challenges aren’t converting even though everyone says you HAVE to do challenges…
  • why your free Facebook groups are sucking up your time instead of creating customers…
  • why your SLOs (mini offers) are costing you money and throttling your lead sources…
  • why “evergreen” is what everyone’s talking about even though your evergreen offers aren’t selling
  • how you could possibly scale a business based on *hoping* that a few big launches a year will happen
  • why you can get people to register for webinars but the attendance—and conversion!—rates are dismally low
  • why people are getting on your email list and then not purchasing when you finally give them the chance

You’ve stumbled across the mistakes that the vast majority of course creators (and would-be course sellers) are making:

The messaging, systems, and strategies they’re using are pushing people AWAY from purchasing.

They’re trying to force purchases on their schedule, not their audience’s. Does Apple say, “You can find out about this iPhone only between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. next Thursday” or “You can only purchase this iPad for a week next April?" Definitely not—they sell when people WANT to purchase.

Do colleges start teaching before students enroll? Of course not—they get that tuition first!

Course creators are using messaging that doesn’t connect with their target audience because they’re making copy decisions based on erroneous assumptions and misinformed tactics.

You’ve stumbled across the mistakes that the vast majority of course creators (and would-be course sellers) are making:

The messaging, systems, and strategies they’re using are pushing people AWAY from purchasing.

They’re trying to force purchases on their schedule, not their audience’s. Does Apple say, “You can find out about this iPhone only between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. next Thursday” or “You can only purchase this iPad for a week next April?" Definitely not—they sell when people WANT to purchase.

Do colleges start teaching before students enroll? Of course not—they get that tuition first!

Course creators are using messaging that doesn’t connect with their target audience because they’re making copy decisions based on erroneous assumptions and misinformed tactics.

Your Image

The Truth About Sales

I’ve been a copywriter and marketer for 20 years and a digital entrepreneur for 10, and I can tell you one thing for sure: If you have a good product and the right target audience, you can sell it—and you can sell it like crazy. If you’re NOT selling it like crazy, it’s either your messaging or your strategy that’s broken. This program fixes both.

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What Makes the CSS Different?

What Makes the CSS Different?





I’ve been a copywriter for 20 years, writing for multibillion-dollar companies, solopreneurs, and every size business in between, and I can tell you that NO business has the luxury of getting its messaging wrong. And if your offer isn’t selling the way you want it to, then you ARE getting your messaging wrong, your sales system wrong, or, more likely, both.

In this program you will learn, step-by-step, how to create the messaging that powers your system. Or if you prefer, you’ll learn enough so that you can hire the right copywriter to craft it for you. Either way, you won’t find any program that provides this level of insight into the most important element of your business: your messaging.


Scalability &



Scalability & Layer-ability

Once you have the system in place, growth is just a matter of turning the dials. The more people you have entering your Circuit, the more sales you’ll see coming out—on repeat, on autopilot, as long as you want. This can be the exact system that will scale your business to six, seven, and even eight figures. All you need to do it flip it on.

And it’s layerable. We’ll teach you techniques to layer on additional tactics (if you want to!) to further support your Circuit’s success. Want to do challenges or groups or events? No problem— you can layer them on top of your Circuit. Want to do sales calls? Just layer them on. Want to have the option to do live events every so often? Again, not a problem at all. They can all layer on TOP of your successful Circuit.


All the Best With None of the Worst


All the Best With None of the Worst

You know already that the CSS isn’t evergreen and it isn’t live launching—but it incorporates the best of each system without having to also incorporate the worst.


Good for You—AND Good for Your Audience


Good for You—AND Good for Your Audience

Not only does the CCS help you make more sales and make those sales more consistently—AND allows you to scale up those sales as high as you’d like—it’s also better for your audience. It gives your audience the opportunity to purchase when THEY want to and when THEY are most excited about and invested in their transformation.

And while we build in genuine urgency to encourage them to take action, we also allow for the people who need time to deliberate before purchasing. And what about the people who want to purchase but for whom it’s just genuinely not the right time? The automated Circuit has built-in purchase opportunities to capture those “long-tail” sales as well.


Proven, Real-Life Results


Proven, Real-Life Results

This is not one of those sales tactics where the only thing that is ever sold is...itself. I created this system and then used it to generate millions of dollars in sales for our professional training courses—and only put this course together to answer the questions that business owners I know have been clamoring for me to teach them.

Your Image





Framework Overview

Ever started a project without really knowing where it’s going? That’s NOT going to happen with your Circuit! In this module, we dig into the whole process and give you a deep understanding of what’s coming up so you can move forward (and plan!) confidently—and know *exactly* why everything that you do will work so crazy well.



Automated Sales Periods

Automation gets a bad rep: It’s not about boring, robotic messaging or systems. In this module, you decide on the best system for you—plus how to make your automation feel exiting, genuine, and “here’s my credit card” compelling to your audience.




The Lightbulb Video

Prepare to have your mind blown: The messaging and structure of the Lightbulb Video is like nothing you’ve ever learned before. (Which is what makes it so effective!) You learn how to connect with your audience in a whole new way—and drive sales like you NEVER have before. Forget “webinars” or “VSLs;” this is what *converts*.



The Sales Elements of Your Lightbulb Video

“Sales” is really just about connecting wi th your target audience and helping them to realize on a *deep* level that what you have to offer solves their problems—AND that the best time to solve that problem is right now. And you, my dear friend, will learn exactly how to do that in this module!



Putting Together Your Lightbulb Video

In the previous modules, you’ll have knocked out all of the key elements of the LBV—and in this one, you’ll put them together? Ever felt overwhelmed by a big writing project? (Can I get a “heck yeah!!”?) Great news: we’ve made writing and putting your Lightbulb Video together as easy can be. Think: Plug and play templates PLUS sample language.



Essential Email Writing Principles

Here’s a little secret from a professional copywriter: Writing for yourself is the hardest writing anyone can do. Which is why you’re going to get a crash course in effective copywriting and learn exactly how to write your emails to make them compelling to open and click, plus—dare I say it??—even fun for you to write.



Fast Action Section

How do you inspire quick purchases without coming across as salesy or pushy? You’re about to find out! Learn to craft messaging and work within a system that has people clamoring to purchase and even *thanking you* for selling to them.



Nurture Emails

Not everyone’s going to buy immediately—that’s just a fact of business. But do we give up on them? No way! In this module, learn how to craft messages that re-excite your not-yet-purchasers and re-inspire them for the transformation your offer delivers.



Sales Emails

Pop quiz: How do you create the excitement (and buying frenzy) of live launches, every single day, on autopilot? You construct yourself a killer Circuit Sales System and build in super effective sales cycles and emails. And how do you do that? It’s all here, step-by-step, in this module.



Email Building Considerations

This is NOT one of those programs that gives you the general idea and then leaves you on your own to put it all together. We dig into tools and techniques for building out your emails (and your Circuit) so you’re ready to switch it on with confidence!



Your Sales Page, Opt-In Pages, and Site Opt-Ins

You didn’t think we’d leave you hanging on these, did you? Without an effective sales page, opt-in pages, and site opt-ins, your Circuit can’t do its job. Learn exactly how to craft the kind of messaging that attracts your *perfect* target audience and excites them to take action.



Deadline Funnel

Not tech-savvy? No worries! We talk about this magical software that makes it possible for each and every person on your email list to have their *own* deadlines (and allows you to make sales upon sales every single day). It’s easy to use and we give some essential insight into how.



Circuit Enhancements

Oh boy, are things about to get even more fun! In this module, you learn about the (optional) additional elements you can add to your Circuit to make it even more effective. Love your live challenges? Let’s automate them! Rely on sales calls to get some people to take action? You can make those work, too. And we’ve got plenty more ideas and recommendations, too. Here’s where you learn how to take what already works and make it even MORE personalized for you.



Customer Service Considerations

Let’s not forget these key members of your team! (Even if, right now, they’re actually just YOU.) We dig into what your Customer Service team needs to know, plus how to deal with special requests and extenuating circumstances. We prep your team now so that they’re ready to hit the ground running and support you—and your audience—in the very best way possible.



Increasing Conversion Rates

Your Circuit Sales System is going to produce sales like crazy—daily and on autopilot. But there’s always room for improvement! We dig into exactly where you’ll have opportunities to increase conversions, click-throughs, and all that, and we talk about how to test them to find the winners!



Post-Purchase Sequence

The interaction with your audience doesn’t stop when they purchase—it’s just getting started! We go over how to support your new purchasers, build strong relationships with them, and encourage them to become your biggest (and loudest) fans!



Your Next Steps

What can you expect moving forward? Where do you need to focus your efforts once your Circuit is built? What other ideas do we have for you? We dig into all of it here in this quick, but info-packed, module.




Framework Overview

Ever started a project without really knowing where it’s going? That’s NOT going to happen with your Circuit! In this module, we dig into the whole process and give you a deep understanding of what’s coming up so you can move forward (and plan!) confidently—and know *exactly* why everything that you do will work so crazy well.



Automated Sales Periods

Automation gets a bad rep: It’s not about boring, robotic messaging or systems. In this module, you decide on the best system for you—plus how to make your automation feel exiting, genuine, and “here’s my credit card” compelling to your audience.



The Lightbulb Video

Prepare to have your mind blown: The messaging and structure of the Lightbulb Video is like nothing you’ve ever learned before. (Which is what makes it so effective!) You learn how to connect with your audience in a whole new way—and drive sales like you NEVER have before. Forget “webinars” or “VSLs;” this is what *converts*.



The Sales Elements of Your Lightbulb Video

Ever started a project without really knowing where it’s going? That’s NOT going to happen with your Circuit! In this module, we dig into the whole process and give you a deep understanding of what’s coming up so you can move forward (and plan!) confidently—and know *exactly* why everything that you do will work so crazy well.



Putting Together Your Lightbulb Video

Automation gets a bad rep: It’s not about boring, robotic messaging or systems. In this module, you decide on the best system for you—plus how to make your automation feel exiting, genuine, and “here’s my credit card” compelling to your audience.



Essential Email Writing Principles

Prepare to have your mind blown: The messaging and structure of the Lightbulb Video is like nothing you’ve ever learned before. (Which is what makes it so effective!) You learn how to connect with your audience in a whole new way—and drive sales like you NEVER have before. Forget “webinars” or “VSLs;” this is what *converts*.



Fast Action Section

How do you inspire quick purchases without coming across as salesy or pushy? You’re about to find out! Learn to craft messaging and work within a system that has people clamoring to purchase and even *thanking you* for selling to them.



Nurture Emails

Not everyone’s going to buy immediately—that’s just a fact of business. But do we give up on them? No way! In this module, learn how to craft messages that re-excite your not-yet-purchasers and re-inspire them for the transformation your offer delivers.



Sales Emails

Pop quiz: How do you create the excitement (and buying frenzy) of live launches, every single day, on autopilot? You construct yourself a killer Circuit Sales System and build in super effective sales cycles and emails. And how do you do that? It’s all here, step-by-step, in this module.



Email Building Considerations

This is NOT one of those programs that gives you the general idea and then leaves you on your own to put it all together. We dig into tools and techniques for building out your emails (and your Circuit) so you’re ready to switch it on with confidence!



Your Sales Page, Opt-In Page, and Site Opt-Ins

You didn’t think we’d leave you hanging on these, did you? Without an effective sales page, opt-in pages, and site opt-ins, your Circuit can’t do its job. Learn exactly how to craft the kind of messaging that attracts your *perfect* target audience and excites them to take action.



Deadline Funnel

Not tech-savvy? No worries! We talk about this magical software that makes it possible for each and every person on your email list to have their *own* deadlines (and allows you to make sales upon sales every single day). It’s easy to use and we give some essential insight into how.



Circuit Enhancements

Oh boy, are things about to get even more fun! In this module, you learn about the (optional) additional elements you can add to your Circuit to make it even more effective. Love your live challenges? Let’s automate them! Rely on sales calls to get some people to take action? You can make those work, too. And we’ve got plenty more ideas and recommendations, too. Here’s where you learn how to take what already works and make it even MORE personalized for you.



Customer Service Considerations

Let’s not forget these key members of your team! (Even if, right now, they’re actually just YOU.) We dig into what your Customer Service team needs to know, plus how to deal with special requests and extenuating circumstances. We prep your team now so that they’re ready to hit the ground running and support you—and your audience—in the very best way possible.



Increasing Conversion Rates

Your Circuit Sales System is going to produces sales like crazy—daily and on autopilot. But there’s always room for improvement! We dig into exactly where you’ll have opportunities to increase conversions, click-throughs, and all that, and we talk about how to testing them to find the winners!



Post-Purchase Sequence

The interaction with your audience doesn’t stop when they purchase—it’s just getting started! We go over how to support your new purchasers, build strong relationships with them, and encourage them to become your biggest (and loudest) fans!



Your Next Steps

What can you expect moving forward? Where do you need to focus your efforts once your Circuit is built? What other ideas do we have for you? We dig into all of it here in this quick, but info-packed, module.

So...what's all this worth?

EVERYTHING you need to know to create your own wildly effective, automated sales system, including messaging, strategy, systems, and more

Lifetime access to the course, including all future program additions: invaluable

Total: $50,000

So...what's all this worth?

EVERYTHING you need to know to create your own wildly effective, automated sales system, including messaging, strategy, systems

Lifetime access to the course, including all future program additions: invaluable

Total: $50,000

But that's not what you'll pay...


Single Payment





17-module course

Lifetime course access, including future additions


3 Payments




$ 597

17-module course

Lifetime course access, including future additions


Single Payment







17-module course

Lifetime course access, including future additions


3 Payments







17-module course

Lifetime course access, including future additions

What's the Program Really Like?

Insight from CSS Alums

Insight from CSS Alums

"Nicki is the go-to authority for automated selling. The truth is that launching just isn’t sustainable and if you really want to have a successful business, you need to be able to sell every day.

Nicki provides an in-depth (but easy-to-follow) system to actually make that happen. I can’t think of a business that wouldn’t get tremendous benefits from learning from her."

STACY TUSCHL | Multi-Seven-Figure Business Coach and Creator of Well-Oiled Operations

"Nicki is the go-to authority for automated selling. The truth is that launching just isn’t sustainable and if you really want to have a successful business, you need to be able to sell every day.

Nicki provides an in-depth (but easy-to-follow) system to actually make that happen. I can’t think of a business that wouldn’t get tremendous benefits from learning from her."

STACY TUSCHL | Multi-Seven-Figure Business Coach and Creator of Well-Oiled Operations

"Oh my gosh. I would pay five times. I would pay so much money for this program because what it's given me is something that I'm going to carry for the rest of the life of my business. Truly, I can't even begin to express how much this program has helped me just really identify with my offer and my messaging; it is truly incredible. I have never—and I've done a lot of programs—I have never done a program that is as concise, as in-depth; it's just a powerful, powerful program…

Do it. Don't even think, just do it because the level of expertise that Nicki has is unparalleled, and what she teaches you in this program is phenomenal. It will change your business just in how you learn about your offer, how you create it, how you put it out there for your audience. These are skills that I'm going to carry with me, like I said, for the rest of my life. This is incredible."

RACHEL PERRY | Direct Sales Expert and Business Coach

"Oh my gosh. I would pay five times. I would pay so much money for this program because what it's given me is something that I'm going to carry for the rest of the life of my business. Truly, I can't even begin to express how much this program has helped me just really identify with my offer and my messaging; it is truly incredible. I have never—and I've done a lot of programs—I have never done a program that is as concise, as in-depth; it's just a powerful, powerful program…

Do it. Don't even think, just do it because the level of expertise that Nicki has is unparalleled, and what she teaches you in this program is phenomenal. It will change your business just in how you learn about your offer, how you create it, how you put it out there for your audience. These are skills that I'm going to carry with me, like I said, for the rest of my life. This is incredible."

RACHEL PERRY | Direct Sales Expert and Business Coach

"Biggest skeptic turned massive believer. That is me in a nutshell when it comes to the Circuit Sales System…Even going through the program on things that felt uncomfortable, I've just been like, 'Trust the process,' and, oh my God, I'm so glad I did…

I'm in a position to say I feel very confident I'm going to more than double my conversion and I haven't even implemented the full Circuit. That's just pulling out the re-craft of the messaging of how I talk about my offer. And so it was life-changing…

This is going to be an investment that will pay for itself tenfold month after month after month."

MEGAN SUMRELL | Work–Life Balance Expert and Creator of the TOP Program

"Biggest skeptic turned massive believer. That is me in a nutshell when it comes to the Circuit Sales System…Even going through the program on things that felt uncomfortable, I've just been like, 'Trust the process,' and, oh my God, I'm so glad I did…

I'm in a position to say I feel very confident I'm going to more than double my conversion and I haven't even implemented the full Circuit. That's just pulling out the re-craft of the messaging of how I talk about my offer. And so it was life-changing…

This is going to be an investment that will pay for itself tenfold month after month after month."

MEGAN SUMRELL | Work–Life Balance Expert and Creator of the TOP Program

"I have been live launching for a very long time and it takes up a lot of my time. So, I really looked into the Circuit Sales System because I was looking for something that was going to save me time but give the same kind of information that I was giving in a live launch.

So, I moved over to this system and it's literally saving me one week a month because that's how much I was launching. To be totally fair, I've been very successful with live launching. It has been a really good process for me. But as my company has grown, I've seen that I need that time back and so I've been really excited about the Circuit Sales System because of the time it's giving me back. I actually think I'm going to have so much better results. That is the craziest part about the whole system."

CARINA GARDNER | Professional Designer and Creator of Ink Club and the Design Suite Mastermind

"I have been live launching for a very long time and it takes up a lot of my time. So, I really looked into the Circuit Sales System because I was looking for something that was going to save me time but give the same kind of information that I was giving in a live launch.

So, I moved over to this system and it's literally saving me one week a month because that's how much I was launching. To be totally fair, I've been very successful with live launching. It has been a really good process for me. But as my company has grown, I've seen that I need that time back and so I've been really excited about the Circuit Sales System because of the time it's giving me back. I actually think I'm going to have so much better results. That is the craziest part about the whole system."

CARINA GARDNER | Professional Designer and Creator of Ink Club and the Design Suite Mastermind

"I was surprised at how much value it was and how valuable it was to me and how it really did change the way I'm selling in my business…and creating something I'm very confident about. And that is a really big deal. And a lot of people are charging $20,000 for this kind of support...

Now I have something that works. And know that I can go out there and actually get visibility and get traffic and know that it's going to lead somewhere and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can just let go and stop worrying about, 'will this work, will this work?' Because it has worked and I know it will continue to work…I would say that I more than got my value out of the program. I probably tripled my ROI already, and I'm not even finished with the Circuit yet."

LISA PRINCIC | Membership Expert and Creator of Scaling Deep

"I was surprised at how much value it was and how valuable it was to me and how it really did change the way I'm selling in my business…and creating something I'm very confident about. And that is a really big deal. And a lot of people are charging $20,000 for this kind of support...

Now I have something that works. And know that I can go out there and actually get visibility and get traffic and know that it's going to lead somewhere and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can just let go and stop worrying about, 'will this work, will this work?' Because it has worked and I know it will continue to work…I would say that I more than got my value out of the program. I probably tripled my ROI already, and I'm not even finished with the Circuit yet."

LISA PRINCIC | Membership Expert and Creator of Scaling Deep

"The course has taught me so much more about how to communicate with my audience, and it's had an impact on the wider world of my business beyond just the system, even down to how I talk about my quiz services and so on. My one-to-one sales have increased just being able to communicate in a much more effective way. So yeah, I feel like definitely it's impacted the rest of my business as well, which I wasn't expecting, but it's quite a nice surprise…

100% just do it. Definitely for me, it's a way to build your business, to give yourself the space and energy you need to serve your audience but also have a life. And we're all building a business not to be working in it 24/7, yet so many people are building a business that is setting them up for that. And I feel like this is the antidote to that. So yeah, I would just say, ‘100%, go for it. Nicki's support and her team as well is there, and it's just exactly what you need.’ So yeah, I'm a big advocate for it."

HELEN MUNSHI | Business Growth Strategist and Quiz Expert

"The course has taught me so much more about how to communicate with my audience, and it's had an impact on the wider world of my business beyond just the system, even down to how I talk about my quiz services and so on. My one-to-one sales have increased just being able to communicate in a much more effective way. So yeah, I feel like definitely it's impacted the rest of my business as well, which I wasn't expecting, but it's quite a nice surprise…

100% just do it. Definitely for me, it's a way to build your business, to give yourself the space and energy you need to serve your audience but also have a life. And we're all building a business not to be working in it 24/7, yet so many people are building a business that is setting them up for that. And I feel like this is the antidote to that. So yeah, I would just say, ‘100%, go for it. Nicki's support and her team as well is there, and it's just exactly what you need.’ So yeah, I'm a big advocate for it."

HELEN MUNSHI | Business Growth Strategist and Quiz Expert

"It's not just about a video. It's not just about an evergreen system. It's not just about emails. It is a complete system where you learn everything. It's amazing.

The strategies that you learn are so good that you can implement them in so many different ways…It made a huge difference, just each little step."

JACKIE ELLIS | Owner of the Multi-Seven-Figure Jackie Ellis Agency

"It's not just about a video. It's not just about an evergreen system. It's not just about emails. It is a complete system where you learn everything. It's amazing.

The strategies that you learn are so good that you can implement them in so many different ways…It made a huge difference, just each little step."

JACKIE ELLIS | Owner of the Multi-Seven-Figure Jackie Ellis Agency

"I have tried other programs before and I did not necessarily see the change in my business monetarily. I didn't get the big bump that I was hoping for and not a lot of tactical changes. And so that was my hesitation in jumping into another online course. I was like, ‘Okay, well maybe this stuff just isn't for the brick-and-mortar space.‘ But in my heart I was like, ‘It is, it has to be—every business needs this.’

[CSS] is that blueprint you've been looking for. If you have been looking for something to give you the true steps and the legit wording and the questions to ask—and if you have been looking for a blueprint and been buying all the things that say ‘a blueprint’ that have not met your expectations or blown them away, this one will. This program does."

ABBEY BROWN | Owner of wedding and event venues The Milestone Market and The Brownstone

"I have tried other programs before and I did not necessarily see the change in my business monetarily. I didn't get the big bump that I was hoping for and not a lot of tactical changes. And so that was my hesitation in jumping into another online course. I was like, ‘Okay, well maybe this stuff just isn't for the brick-and-mortar space.‘ But in my heart I was like, ‘It is, it has to be—every business needs this.’

[CSS] is that blueprint you've been looking for. If you have been looking for something to give you the true steps and the legit wording and the questions to ask—and if you have been looking for a blueprint and been buying all the things that say ‘a blueprint’ that have not met your expectations or blown them away, this one will. This program does."

ABBEY BROWN | Owner of wedding and event venues The Milestone Market and The Brownstone

"Nicki is the go-to authority for automated selling. The truth is that launching just isn’t sustainable and if you really want to have a successful business, you need to be able to sell every day.

Nicki provides an in-depth (but easy-to-follow) system to actually make that happen. I can’t think of a business that wouldn’t get tremendous benefits from learning from her."

STACY TUSCHL | Multi-Seven-Figure Business Coach and Creator of Well-Oiled Operations

"Nicki is the go-to authority for automated selling. The truth is that launching just isn’t sustainable and if you really want to have a successful business, you need to be able to sell every day.

Nicki provides an in-depth (but easy-to-follow) system to actually make that happen. I can’t think of a business that wouldn’t get tremendous benefits from learning from her."

STACY TUSCHL | Multi-Seven-Figure Business Coach and Creator of Well-Oiled Operations

"Oh my gosh. I would pay five times. I would pay so much money for this program because what it's given me is something that I'm going to carry for the rest of the life of my business. Truly, I can't even begin to express how much this program has helped me just really identify with my offer and my messaging; it is truly incredible. I have never—and I've done a lot of programs—I have never done a program that is as concise, as in-depth; it's just a powerful, powerful program…

Do it. Don't even think, just do it because the level of expertise that Nicki has is unparalleled, and what she teaches you in this program is phenomenal. It will change your business just in how you learn about your offer, how you create it, how you put it out there for your audience. These are skills that I'm going to carry with me, like I said, for the rest of my life. This is incredible."

RACHEL PERRY | Direct Sales Expert and Business Coach

"Oh my gosh. I would pay five times. I would pay so much money for this program because what it's given me is something that I'm going to carry for the rest of the life of my business. Truly, I can't even begin to express how much this program has helped me just really identify with my offer and my messaging; it is truly incredible. I have never—and I've done a lot of programs—I have never done a program that is as concise, as in-depth; it's just a powerful, powerful program…

Do it. Don't even think, just do it because the level of expertise that Nicki has is unparalleled, and what she teaches you in this program is phenomenal. It will change your business just in how you learn about your offer, how you create it, how you put it out there for your audience. These are skills that I'm going to carry with me, like I said, for the rest of my life. This is incredible."

RACHEL PERRY | Direct Sales Expert and Business Coach

"Biggest skeptic turned massive believer. That is me in a nutshell when it comes to the Circuit Sales System…Even going through the program on things that felt uncomfortable, I've just been like, 'Trust the process,' and, oh my God, I'm so glad I did…

I'm in a position to say I feel very confident I'm going to more than double my conversion and I haven't even implemented the full Circuit. That's just pulling out the re-craft of the messaging of how I talk about my offer. And so it was life-changing…

This is going to be an investment that will pay for itself tenfold month after month after month."

MEGAN SUMRELL | Work–Life Balance Expert and Creator of the TOP Program

"Biggest skeptic turned massive believer. That is me in a nutshell when it comes to the Circuit Sales System…Even going through the program on things that felt uncomfortable, I've just been like, 'Trust the process,' and, oh my God, I'm so glad I did…

I'm in a position to say I feel very confident I'm going to more than double my conversion and I haven't even implemented the full Circuit. That's just pulling out the re-craft of the messaging of how I talk about my offer. And so it was life-changing…

This is going to be an investment that will pay for itself tenfold month after month after month."

MEGAN SUMRELL | Work–Life Balance Expert and Creator of the TOP Program

"I have been live launching for a very long time and it takes up a lot of my time. So, I really looked into the Circuit Sales System because I was looking for something that was going to save me time but give the same kind of information that I was giving in a live launch.

So, I moved over to this system and it's literally saving me one week a month because that's how much I was launching. To be totally fair, I've been very successful with live launching. It has been a really good process for me. But as my company has grown, I've seen that I need that time back and so I've been really excited about the Circuit Sales System because of the time it's giving me back. I actually think I'm going to have so much better results. That is the craziest part about the whole system."

CARINA GARDNER | Professional Designer and Creator of Ink Club and the Design Suite Mastermind

"I have been live launching for a very long time and it takes up a lot of my time. So, I really looked into the Circuit Sales System because I was looking for something that was going to save me time but give the same kind of information that I was giving in a live launch.

So, I moved over to this system and it's literally saving me one week a month because that's how much I was launching. To be totally fair, I've been very successful with live launching. It has been a really good process for me. But as my company has grown, I've seen that I need that time back and so I've been really excited about the Circuit Sales System because of the time it's giving me back. I actually think I'm going to have so much better results. That is the craziest part about the whole system."

CARINA GARDNER | Professional Designer and Creator of Ink Club and the Design Suite Mastermind

"I was surprised at how much value it was and how valuable it was to me and how it really did change the way I'm selling in my business…and creating something I'm very confident about. And that is a really big deal. And a lot of people are charging $20,000 for this kind of support...

Now I have something that works. And know that I can go out there and actually get visibility and get traffic and know that it's going to lead somewhere and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can just let go and stop worrying about, 'will this work, will this work?' Because it has worked and I know it will continue to work…I would say that I more than got my value out of the program. I probably tripled my ROI already, and I'm not even finished with the Circuit yet."

LISA PRINCIC | Membership Expert and Creator of Scaling Deep

"I was surprised at how much value it was and how valuable it was to me and how it really did change the way I'm selling in my business…and creating something I'm very confident about. And that is a really big deal. And a lot of people are charging $20,000 for this kind of support...

Now I have something that works. And know that I can go out there and actually get visibility and get traffic and know that it's going to lead somewhere and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can just let go and stop worrying about, 'will this work, will this work?' Because it has worked and I know it will continue to work…I would say that I more than got my value out of the program. I probably tripled my ROI already, and I'm not even finished with the Circuit yet."

LISA PRINCIC | Membership Expert and Creator of Scaling Deep

"The course has taught me so much more about how to communicate with my audience, and it's had an impact on the wider world of my business beyond just the system, even down to how I talk about my quiz services and so on. My one-to-one sales have increased just being able to communicate in a much more effective way. So yeah, I feel like definitely it's impacted the rest of my business as well, which I wasn't expecting, but it's quite a nice surprise…

100% just do it. Definitely for me, it's a way to build your business, to give yourself the space and energy you need to serve your audience but also have a life. And we're all building a business not to be working in it 24/7, yet so many people are building a business that is setting them up for that. And I feel like this is the antidote to that. So yeah, I would just say, ‘100%, go for it. Nicki's support and her team as well is there, and it's just exactly what you need.’ So yeah, I'm a big advocate for it."

HELEN MUNSHI | Business Growth Strategist and Quiz Expert

"The course has taught me so much more about how to communicate with my audience, and it's had an impact on the wider world of my business beyond just the system, even down to how I talk about my quiz services and so on. My one-to-one sales have increased just being able to communicate in a much more effective way. So yeah, I feel like definitely it's impacted the rest of my business as well, which I wasn't expecting, but it's quite a nice surprise…

100% just do it. Definitely for me, it's a way to build your business, to give yourself the space and energy you need to serve your audience but also have a life. And we're all building a business not to be working in it 24/7, yet so many people are building a business that is setting them up for that. And I feel like this is the antidote to that. So yeah, I would just say, ‘100%, go for it. Nicki's support and her team as well is there, and it's just exactly what you need.’ So yeah, I'm a big advocate for it."

HELEN MUNSHI | Business Growth Strategist and Quiz Expert

"It's not just about a video. It's not just about an evergreen system. It's not just about emails. It is a complete system where you learn everything. It's amazing.

The strategies that you learn are so good that you can implement them in so many different ways…It made a huge difference, just each little step."

JACKIE ELLIS | Owner of the Multi-Seven-Figure Jackie Ellis Agency

"It's not just about a video. It's not just about an evergreen system. It's not just about emails. It is a complete system where you learn everything. It's amazing.

The strategies that you learn are so good that you can implement them in so many different ways…It made a huge difference, just each little step."

JACKIE ELLIS | Owner of the Multi-Seven-Figure Jackie Ellis Agency

"I have tried other programs before and I did not necessarily see the change in my business monetarily. I didn't get the big bump that I was hoping for and not a lot of tactical changes. And so that was my hesitation in jumping into another online course. I was like, ‘Okay, well maybe this stuff just isn't for the brick-and-mortar space.‘ But in my heart I was like, ‘It is, it has to be—every business needs this.’

[CSS] is that blueprint you've been looking for. If you have been looking for something to give you the true steps and the legit wording and the questions to ask—and if you have been looking for a blueprint and been buying all the things that say ‘a blueprint’ that have not met your expectations or blown them away, this one will. This program does."

ABBEY BROWN | Owner of wedding and event venues The Milestone Market and The Brownstone

"I have tried other programs before and I did not necessarily see the change in my business monetarily. I didn't get the big bump that I was hoping for and not a lot of tactical changes. And so that was my hesitation in jumping into another online course. I was like, ‘Okay, well maybe this stuff just isn't for the brick-and-mortar space.‘ But in my heart I was like, ‘It is, it has to be—every business needs this.’

[CSS] is that blueprint you've been looking for. If you have been looking for something to give you the true steps and the legit wording and the questions to ask—and if you have been looking for a blueprint and been buying all the things that say ‘a blueprint’ that have not met your expectations or blown them away, this one will. This program does."

ABBEY BROWN | Owner of wedding and event venues The Milestone Market and The Brownstone


Do I need to spend money on ads?

No, you don’t necessarily need to—you can (and should!) send organic traffic into your Circuit. However, you’ll be able to accelerate your growth faster by incorporating paid traffic.

Do I need to do the tech myself?

Nope! We’ll tell you what you need to build (which isn’t that complicated, by the way) and you can easily hire someone to do the tech work for you.

Do I need to spend a ton on tech?

Nope! You’ll need landing page software, email software, and recording software (Zoom will do), which you probably have already. You’ll also need to use Deadline Funnel, which is very reasonable priced—especially for what it’ll help us do for your revenue!

Do I need to have a course or could I sell something else?

The CSS definitely works for courses, group coaching, and other information products like that, but there’s also no reason that it couldn’t work for physical products, masterminds, and other offerings.

Do I have to have already built my course or my product?

Well, normally I’d say it’s ideal if you already have it built. But since this offer is for a limited time only, it’s the lowest that you’ll ever see the price AND you get lifetime access to both the live call recordings and the full course once it’s developed, I’d say it’s not absolutely necessary.

How long will it take me to implement the system?

If you’re keeping pace with the calls and doing the work as we go, you could certainly have your full Circuit built in 12 weeks. But if your schedule is busy you can certainly move slower—you have lifetime access to all the content in the course (and all the content to come). Since we’re doing the training live, you won’t be able to work ahead, but this structure will also ensure that you’re working at a steady pace AND that you can come to me with questions as you have them.

Can I customize it?

Of course! We’ll teach you the basic framework and all the messaging, principles, and techniques to use, but then we’ll also teach you how to layer other tactics on top of it. Love your challenges? Great! We can layer that on. Think sales calls put you over the top? No problem! You can use them to enhance your results. Want to offer special promotions and events throughout the year? (Hello, Black Friday.) We do that, too, and we’ll show you how.

I want to still use sales calls, challenges, etc. Can they work with this program?

Yes! I'm going to show you exactly how to layer on marketing tactics like sales calls and challenges (IF you want to use them)—including how this can work WITH live launching if you don't want to give it up completely.

Business FAQs

Why aren’t my webinars working?

Oh, so many reasons! First, let’s talk timing. Maybe you’re requiring people to sign up for a live webinar. Well, look at your own life—how often are YOU able to show up for things that you sign up for? And, remember, that live webinar often happens hours or even DAYS after they sign up, giving PLENTY of time for that excitement to wane and other priorities to get in the way. The time that’s convenient for YOU isn’t convenient for them. And either you send out a replay (by which time they’re even less interested) or you don’t send out replays and you penalize them for not being able to attend. (Plus, then you have tons of leads who NEVER see your offers!)

Or what about automated webinars? Where they can choose a time to watch it later or “wow, what luck! It’s just about to start?" Well, even with automated webinars, when you force them to watch it at a certain time, you have the same problem as above. And with that “wow, lucky you, you can watch it now” option? Well, in addition to it being disingenuous and icky-feeling, most people who sign up for your webinars won’t have time to sit down and watch it at that moment. How often do YOU happen to have time to watch an hour-long presentation when you happen to be flipping through your phone?

And let's talk about the content. This whole idea of “give them a small win” by teaching a small portion of your full content doesn’t work. Either they take that small win and think that’s all they need for success or they think they can figure all the rest of it out by themselves. The BEGINNING of your interaction with a potential purchaser is not the place to teach all your content. As you’ll find out, it’s the place to help them UN-learn all the things that have held them back from success—and help them understand that you are the expert in the process.

Why aren’t my challenges converting?

See, here’s the problem with challenges. People will never be as excited about the transformation you promise and you as a brand as when they first encounter you. So, when you make them sign up and then WAIT for the challenge and then make them show up multiple days in a row (which most people do NOT do) to even get to your offer…is it any wonder that people aren’t buying at the rate you hoped they would?

Why isn’t my evergreen product selling?

People don’t take action without deadlines. They just don’t. So, when you have a product on your site that people can buy any time they feel like it, there’s no reason for them to purchase it any time soon. And, as we know, people are most excited about you and what you have to offer when they first encounter you so, if they don’t purchase then, the chances of them EVER purchasing decrease exponentially. If you don’t give people a real reason for taking action now, they never will.

Why isn’t my launch converting?

Sure, there are SOME people who are willing to wait three or even six months to purchase something. But think about it: When you identify that you need something, how willing are YOU to wait? What’s much more likely is that people will sign up for your list and, if they don’t have the option to purchase your solution from you soon after they find you, they’re going to google and find another solution.

“Hey, but what about people like James Wedmore or Marie Forleo? They only launch once or twice a year!” Sure…but they’ve been in the business for 10-15 years: They have made a name for themselves. If Oprah only launched a course that you really wanted once or twice a year, you might wait for that, too—because she’s Oprah. Also, you’ll notice that they’ve added additional programs that you can purchase throughout the year, too, because launching just once or twice a year isn’t cutting it.

Why isn’t my email list buying? Aren’t they “warm?”

Well, normally I’d say it’s ideal if you already have it built. But since this offer is for a limited time only, it’s the lowest that you’ll ever see the price AND you get lifetime access to both the live call recordings and the full course once it’s developed, I’d say it’s not absolutely necessary.

Who is the CSS for?


5- and 6-figure digital entrepreneurs looking to take their programs to 7 or 8 figures

Course creators, coaches, and program managers (Could this work for products? Sure, I don’t see why not; I’ve just never done it myself)

People willing to dig into their audiences and explore why they are and are NOT purchasing

People who are deeply committed to doing their best work for their customers and supporting those customers to experience the very best outcomes possible


People who are unwilling to learn or to be coached

People with “shiny object syndrome:” If you get distracted by the latest marketing fad instead of finishing what you’ve started, this isn’t for you

People who say things like “everyone else is doing it this way” or who believe that good-looking Instagram posts equate to a successful business

People who don’t want to learn how to effectively communicate with their audiences

People who want to operate solely within their comfort zones; what got you here won’t get you there, and the next level of your business is outside of your comfort zone

My Goal for You

Could you 40x your revenue like I did? Absolutely—there’s no reason why not. But that might feel like too big of a stretch for you to wrap your mind around right now. (It certainly would have been for me in 2018!)

Obviously, I can’t make any revenue guarantees. I can give you all the steps and all the support, but it’s on you to implement it. That said, I want you to be successful—I’m only successful if YOU are. So, my personal goal for you is to at least 5x your revenue within the first year of implementing your Circuit. And remember, you can always scale up! So, where would 5x your revenue put you? And then, if you want to start playing with possibilities, where would 5x that put you?

This system is your KEY to scalability. I want you to start to dream big because it’s completely possible. I want you to look back and laugh at how small the investment in the program was compared to all the revenue it earned you.

I want you to be massively, blissfully, deservedly successful.



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